Celebrating the Third Sector Fund

Celebrating the Third Sector FundImage removed.

On Thursday 14th September 2023, Salford CVS hosted an event at The Lowry Theatre, Salford Quays, to showcase and highlight the impact of the Third Sector Fund on Salford’s VCSE sector, their communities, and their health.

The event was well attended, with an excellent turnout of almost 100 colleagues, beneficiaries, and supporters from across the NHS, ICP, GM, and Salford’s VCSE groups of all sizes.

Following a welcome by Councillor Sharmina August (SCC) and an introduction and ‘Long View’ of ICP funding and Salford CVS from Alison Page (Salford CVS), Harry Golby, Associate Director of Delivery and Transformation, NHS GM Salford Locality presented on the impact of the Third Sector Fund, particularly the return on investment of the funding, and plans for 2023/24.

Representing the VCSE sector in Salford, various groups spoke about their projects that had been made possible through the Third Sector Fund, and the vital support that it has provided for the health and wellbeing of Salfordians. David Keane from BASIC told the event about the incredible developments that their Big Ideas Fund Project (2021-2023) has enabled – an electric vehicle to taxi beneficiaries with brain, spinal, and mobility disabilities to and from key appointments. See the video on BASIC, Headway, and Salford CVS’ joint venture here (YouTube).

Other speakers from Salford Foodshare Network, Flowhesion Foundation, Talk About it Mate, Rio Ferdinand Foundation, and Incredible Education also shared the impact of their funding on the health and wellbeing of their communities – from supporting Asian mothers in Eccles, to the physical health of school children, to widened access to green spaces.

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Bringing Salford Together

Guests spent time on their tables discussing projects with other groups, Salford colleagues, and CVS staff. This time allowed for people to ask about activities and work, resulting in VCSE groups networking with others who shared their interests and aims, and has even enabled partnerships, collaborations, and refererral routes being forged.

Our NHS in Salford

As part of our evaluation, attendees were asked what the NHS means to them.

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When asked what difference they feel the Third Sector Fund has made to the health and wellbeing in Salford, guests said:

"From what we have heard today, it has made a tremendous difference."

"Massive difference to people in the community. Spaces now exist that didn’t before. The lifesaving and life changing impact of this [Third Sector Fund] can’t be understated."

"A huge difference – both in the short term but also building a stronger city for the future."

"It’s clear that the fund and partnership work within this is absolutely crucial to the people of Salford. There is no doubt that it has saved lives."

"From small investment to big impact. A sense of hope, belonging and excitement for the future."

"A fundamental difference."

"The fund has allowed us to reach out to our service users, addressing isolation, loneliness and depression – encouraging social interaction and increasing the feeling of wellbeing and self-worth."

"Huge! The sector funds projects reaching far beyond the ‘seen’ needs of the Salford peoples and fill gaps where the ‘big’ players cannot reach."

"So much – it was really great to learn about social value and how funding like this can make a pound stretch!"

"Massive. The asset based community development way of working [that Salford CVS do] definitely enables people to help people, reduce over medicalising and reduce reliance on clinical services."

"The TSF is pivotal to providing the much needed support to the hidden communities in Salford. Amazing work! Well done to everyone involved."

"Plenty! It has reached communities that would not normally access mainstream services. It has given life to innovative, grassroots ideas and projects."

"Clearly [Salford CVS] make a big difference recognising impact from a very human level."

"Helps to keep us connected and cared for, small groups in Salford would not be able to keep going without your help. Thank you Salford CVS."