
Salford CVS' Grants Programme

Over the last 10 years Salford CVS' grants programme has evolved and grown significantly into one of the largest VCSE focussed grants programme led by a local infrastructure organisation in Greater Manchester.

Funded projects

An overview of the grants programme for 2024/25 is given below:

 Fund Name FocusSize of FundBorough Commissioning Organisation
Third Sector Fund Health and Wellbeing£750,000Salford NHS Salford Integrated Care Partnertship
 Arts and Culture Fund Arts, culture and heritage£209,000Salford UKSPF / Salford CC / GMCA
 Elevate Salford Employment support£150,000Salford Albert Gubay Charitable Foundation
Achieve Asset Fund Drug and Alcohol Recovery£112,200Salford/Trafford Salford CC / Trafford MBC
GM Inspire Arts and Culture£102,000Gtr Mcr Greater Manchester Combined Authority
 Answer Cancer Supporting Cancer Screening£100,000Gtr Mcr Greater Manchester Integrated Care
 Household Support Fund Food Banks and ClubsTBCSalford Salford CC
 Healthy Holidays Fund School holiday activities and food£90,000Salford Salford CC
 Family Hubs Fund Provision for 0-5's in Family Hubs£75,000Salford Salford CC
 Broughton Boost Fund Increasing physical activity levels£75,000Salford Greater Sport
 Living Well Fund Mental Health and Wellbeing£70,000Salford Salford CC / GM Integrated Care
 Short Break Care Activities for children with SEND£60,000Salford Salford CC
 Shaping Care Fund Giving voice to looked after CYP£40,000Gtr Mcr Greater Manchester Combined Authority
 Family Cooking Fund Parental cook and learn£30,000Salford Salford CC / GM Integrated Care
 Hate Crime Awareness Reporting hate crimeTBCSalford Salford CC