What is Adult Safeguarding?
All adults have the right to live their lives free from abuse, fear, and harm.
Some adults have care and support needs which means they may be unable to protect themselves from abuse or neglect. Others may have difficulties making their wishes and feelings known and this can put them at greater risk of abuse or neglect.
The aims of adult safeguarding are to:
- Stop abuse or neglect wherever possible;
- Prevent harm and reduce the risk of abuse or neglect to adults with care and support needs;
- Safeguard adults in a way that supports them in making choices and having control about how they want to live
- Promote an approach that concentrates on improving life for the adults concerned
- Raise public awareness so that communities as a whole, alongside professionals, play their part in preventing, identifying and responding to abuse and neglect
- Provide information and support in accessible ways to help people understand the different types of abuse, how to stay safe and what to do to raise a concern about the safety or well-being of an adult
- Address what has caused the abuse or neglect
Safeguarding Duties
The Care Act 2014 introduced statutory safeguarding duties. The safeguarding duties apply to an adult who:
- Has needs for care and support (whether or not the authority is meeting any of those needs),
- Is experiencing, or is at risk of, abuse or neglect, and
- As a result of those needs is unable to protect himself or herself against abuse or neglect or the risk of it.
What to do if you are worried about an Adult?
If you believe or suspect an adult at risk is being abused, it is vital you alert the authorities.
Reporting line: 0161 206 0604
From 8.30am to 4.30pm from Monday to Friday
In an emergency call the police or ambulance 999.
Complete the online reporting form here: Report a Safeguarding Concern
Email: worriedaboutanadult@salford.gov.uk
Salford Social Services Emergency Duty Team (out of hours)
Telephone: 0161 794 8888 (4.30pm to 8.00am weekdays and 24 hours over weekends and bank holidays)
If you are worried about someone who may need some help / care and support, but you are not concerned about abuse or neglect, there is more information here about exploring different options and you can use the portal to request support.