Safeguarding in Salford
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Safeguarding is everybody's business if you have a concern about a child or an adult pass it on.
Salford CVS believes in encouraging a culture of safeguarding across the city. We have a range of services and resources to support your voluntary organisation, community group, charity or social enterprise with the many facets of safeguarding.
Information advice and guidance

Salford CVS can provide you with information advice and guidance on a range of issues relating to safeguarding. We can guide you on the most appropriate policies for your organisation, training opportunities, and who to contact if you have any concerns about a child or adult who may be at risk to make a referral. If you need to make a referral immediately please follow the local referral procedures:
Safeguarding training
Salford CVS provides adult safeguarding training for the VCSE sector in Salford. We run this half-day course approximately 5 times a year. The aim of this course is to give workers in the voluntary and community sector a basic yet effective awareness of how to adequately safeguard and protect adults
We also provide Working Together to Safeguard Children Training for the VCSE sector. This course was developed by the Salford Safeguard Children’s Partnership in 2020 and is available for the whole of the children’s workforce across the city. Salford CVS delivers this course specifically to the VCSE sector 5 times per year ensuring a universal approach to safeguarding across the partnership.
Visit our Training and events page to view our latest safeguarding training. We can deliver bespoke training for your organisation if you have a group of 8 or more staff and/or volunteers who require the training. Contact us on office@salfordcvs.co.uk to discuss your needs.
Developing your policies and procedures

Salford CVS can provide support to your organisation to develop and review your Safeguarding policies and procedures. Please contact the Development Team who will arrange a meeting to discuss your needs.
For community groups who are not providing direct support to adults, we can help you to develop a smaller adult safeguarding policy suitable for your organisation.
You can also access a comprehensive set of Multi Agency Safeguarding Procedures that cover Greater Manchester on the Greater Manchester Safeguarding Procedures Site.
Safe recruitment
Safe recruitment is an important element of safeguarding and child protection. Salford CVS can support groups to develop safe recruitment processes. Salford CVS can process DBS checks (formerly CRB checks) for your organisation.
Salford safeguarding standards for the VCSE sector
Salford CVS in partnership with other members of the Safeguarding Children’s Partnership & the Safeguarding Adults board has developed Salford’s Safeguarding Standards for the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise sector. The Salford Safeguarding Standards are a set of tools to ensure organisations have the correct policies and procedures in place for Safeguarding
The seven standards cover the following:
- Safeguarding leadership
- Organisations’ policies and procedures
- Reporting concerns, suspicions, and allegations
- Safe recruitment and selection
- Management and support of paid staff and volunteers including training
- Coproduction
Any organisation can complete a self-assessment against the Standards and implement them within their organisation. Organisations commissioned by Salford City Council to provide services for children will be asked to complete a self-assessment and will be audited against the Standards. Through this audit they will be asked to demonstrate how they, as an organisation, meet the Safeguarding Standards.