Vocal Children, Young People & Families Forum
About the Forum
The Forum was established in 2005 and brings together VCSE groups working with children, young people and families in the city of Salford.
The aim of Vocal Children, Young People & Families is to work in partnership to improve the lives of children, young people in families in Salford.
- To have a collective voice, and influence the work of Salford's 0-25 Advisory Board and Safeguarding Children's Partnership
- Work with public sector partners to ensure a quality assured, sustainable response to supporting children, young people and families
- To ensure that the expertise and diverse experience of Vocal Children, Young People and Families membership organisations fully informs the children, young people and families strategis, service transformation and commissions
Seldom Heard

Salford CVS, on behalf of the Vocal Children, Young People & Families Forum (who came up with the original idea) have been facilitating conversations with ‘Seldom Heard’ young people and City Leaders for a number of years now. The purpose of the event is to enable young people, who seldom have a voice in the city and little means of accessing the main city leaders, to meet with, and discuss with them their issues and what they would like to see put in place to address them.
The principle behind the event is that it is young people led, so we work with Salford Youth Council and the co-design and delivery and each year they select a theme that matters to young people. Salford CVS then identify seldom heard young people’s groups and invite them to participate.
More information: www.salfordcvs.co.uk/seldom-heard
Forum Meetings
Vocal Children, Young People & Families Forum meets four times per year.
Forum Meeting Reports
Read the reports from our latest Children, Young People & Families Forums:
Vocal Children, Young People & Families Representation
Meet your representatives here
Membership is open to VCSE organisations working with Children, Young People & Families in Salford.
To become a member of the Vocal Children, Young People & Families Forum contact vocal@salfordcvs.co.uk
Michelle Warburton (Voice & Influence Manager)
Email: michelle.warburton@salfordcvs.co.uk
Vocal useful links