
Salford CVS Membership


Salford CVS is a membership organisation that promotes the interest of local community groups, voluntary organisations and Social Enterprises in Salford.

Salford CVS provides voice and representation on behalf of the sector. By working together the VCSE sector can achieve so much by being a voice for change and play its part in making Salford a place to be proud of.

Membership is FREE and Salford CVS currently has over 1000 full members. We have two categories of membership Full and Associate.


Benefits of membership

Full Membership

  • Invited to the AGM / any EGMs and have full voting rights
  • Can nominate to the Board of Trustees
  • Receive a membership certificate
  • Acknowledged as a full member on the CVS website
  • Can apply for a CVS managed grant (subject to meeting other requirements of the specific grants pot in question, such as turnover limit) Our grants and investments | Salford CVS
  • Exclusive access to the Open 4 Community Funding Portal which has a comprehensive database of funding opportunities

Associate Membership

  • Invited to the AGM and any other public events, as relevant
  • Receive a supporter’s certificate and acknowledged as a supporter on the CVS website.



Full membership eligibility

  • Operate substantively in Salford for the benefit of Salford and its residents / communities
  • Have a governing document that is up-to-date; demonstrates social / community / charitable objectives
  • A minimum of three Directors / Trustees / Management Committee members who are not connected people*
  • Agree to support the values, aims, objectives and priorities of Salford CVS How we work | Salford CVS
  • Agree to all clauses of the Salford CVS Articles of Association, including paying £10 in the case of winding up

Full membership - acceptable legal forms

  • Unincorporated Association 

  • Constituted Community Group

  • Tenants and Residents Association (TARA)

  • Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

  • Registered Social Landlord - housing associations that are a registered charity or a community benefit society and who operate substantively in Salford

  • Housing Cooperatives

  • Registered Charity

  • Charitable Company

  • Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO)

  • Registered Societies (co-operative societies, community benefit societies, and former industrial and provident societies) - registered with and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority 

  • Credit Unions

  • Community Interest Company (CIC)  

  • Company Limited by Guarantee - registered with Companies House, no shareholders, not-for-profit (no dividend)


Associate membership

  • Operate in Salford for the benefit of Salford residents; and / or live / work in Salford
  • Agree to support the values, aims, objectives and priorities of Salford CVS: How we work


Associate membership - examples of acceptable organisations

  • Schools
  • Other educational institutions
  • Public sector bodies
  • Primary Care
  • Private businesses
  • Other membership organisations
  • Religious / Faith institutions
  • Individuals

A copy of your governing document must be submitted along with your membership application form. Your membership application will be considered for approval at the next meeting of the Board of Trustees.

The Board of Trustees reserves the right to refuse membership to any organisation it believes is ineligible.

Salford CVS is governed by a Board of Trustees who are elected by members at our annual general meeting. The Board comprises people who predominantly live and / or work in Salford and who have relevant skills and experience to share. Each year the elected Board appoints a Chair, Vice Chair and Treasurer from amongst its Trustee team.

Members automatically receive an invitation to the Annual General Meeting and are entitled to seek nomination to the Board of Trustees.

Before you complete a membership application please read the eligibility criteria above. You will need to be a not-for-profit organisation and know your organisations full name, what type of organisation it is, have a minimum of three Directors / Trustees / Management Committee members and submit a signed constitution or other governing document as applicable. 

You can complete our membership application form online here. If you would like a paper version of the application form, please contact our office on 0161 787 7795 and we can arrange for one to be posted to you.

If you have any questions around membership please call 0161 787 7795 or email

We’re really keen that voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations working in Salford join us. From sports clubs to large charities, ‘friends of’ groups to social enterprises – all VCSE not-for-private-profit organisations are welcome.

*The definition of connected person as used by the charity commission is:

  1. a child, parent, grandchild, grandparent, brother or sister of the charity trustee or member;
  2. the spouse or civil partner of the charity trustee, member or of any person falling within sub-clause (a) above;
  3. a person carrying on business in partnership with the charity trustee, member or with any person falling within sub-clause (a) or (b) above;

Salford CVS – proud to be members of:

10GM logo
NCVO logo
NAVCA logo
GMCVO logo
The Business Group
GM Chamber of Commerce