Who we are
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Salford Council for Voluntary Services was established in 1973.
However, our roots go back to 1919 when Manchester and Salford Council of Social Service (MSCSS) was established to address poverty and social need after World War 1. In 1973 MSCSS split into two entities, thus creating Salford CVS and Manchester CVS.
2019 saw us celebrating 100 years since our creation – a century of Making a Difference in Salford! You can find out more about our history and our celebration of 100 years of social action here.
Salford CVS incorporated
Salford CVS was incorporated as a Company Limited by Guarantee in 1985 and registered as a Charity in 1988. For much of that time our offices have been based in Eccles, although our work covers the whole of the City of Salford.
In 2008 the organisation was renamed Salford Community and Voluntary Services and this remains our legal name today, although inevitably we shorten this to Salford CVS.
Salford CVS is the city-wide infrastructure organisation for the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector; providing specialist information, advice, development support and opportunities for influence and collaboration. We provide support for organisations to establish and develop including training for their staff, volunteers and trustees.

Volunteer Centre Salford
Volunteer Centre Salford provides support for individuals who want to volunteer and assistance for organisations developing volunteer programmes. Salford CVS operates within a wider framework in terms of our membership of NAVCA, NCVO and Social Enterprise UK nationally and our membership of 10GM and GMCVO at city-region level. As a membership organisation, Salford CVS’ key relationships lie with its member organisations; and with the wider third sector in Salford – which comprises 1,513 voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations (State of the VCSE Sector in Salford 2017, Sheffield Hallam University). Salford CVS currently has in the region of 850 members – all of whom are organisations from the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector in Salford.
Our Board
The organisation is governed by a Board of Trustees who are elected by members at our annual general meeting. The Board comprises people who predominantly live and/or work in Salford and who have relevant skills and experience to share. Each year the elected Board appoints a Chair, Vice Chair and Treasurer from amongst its Trustee team. View our current Board of Trustees.