Vocal Leaders Forum

Vocal Leaders Forum


About the Forum

Vocal Leaders brings together leaders of VCSE organisations working within the city of Salford.


The aim of Vocal Leaders is to work in partnership strategically to enable a robust, engaged and influential VCSE Sector in the city of Salford


  • To provide leadership for Vocal Strategic forums, in particular to lead on the delivery of Salford’s VCSE Manifesto and Strategy; and Greater Manchester VCSE Accord
  • To provide Salford representation on the GM VCSE Leadership Group and feedback key issues to Vocal Leaders
  • To provide representation on behalf of Vocal Leaders and Vocal Strategic Forums on key strategic partnerships within the city
  • Feedback to Vocal Leaders and Vocal Strategic Forums key issues or opportunities from the cities Strategic Partnerships


Read the Salford VCSE Strategy Executive Summary and Full Strategy here


Forum Meetings

The Vocal Leaders Forum meets monthly.



Latest Report

As part of our wider voice and influence work, Salford CVS facilitated a roundtable with City Mayor Paul Dennett on 11th December 2023. Vocal Leaders attended to hear about the development of the Mayor’s corporate plan, and were able to ask questions about social housing, commissioning intentions and much more.

Report from the day


Michelle Warburton (Voice & Influence Manager)
Telephone: 07545 659318
Email: michelle.warburton@salfordcvs.co.uk



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Get In Touch

Salford CVS & Volunteer Centre
Registered address 
The Old Town Hall 
5 Irwell Place 
Salford, M30 0FN

Tel: 0161 787 7795 

Latest Blogs

Having been in the sector for over 25 years, one thing I’ve learned is that there is not often a

As part of my job as a Grants Development Worker at Salford CVS, I have the pleasure of supportin


Salford CVS is the city-wide infrastructure organisation for the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector; providing specialist information, advice, development support and opportunities for influence and collaboration.