What to do if you are worried about a child or young person?
If you are worried about the welfare or safety of a child or young person under 18 it is very important that you contact the Bridge Parteneship straight away.
Referrals to the Bridge Partnership
Every child and young person has the right to be safe.
All reports or enquiries concerning the welfare or safety of a child must go straight to the Bridge Partnership Tel: 0161 603 4500 or via our online portal, which you can access below.
The Bridge Partnership is available Monday to Friday from 8:30am - 4:30pm. If you need to speak to someone outside of these times, please contact the Emergency Duty Team (EDT) on 0161 794 8888.
If a child is in immediate danger of being harmed or is home alone, call the police on 999.
This applies to the public, council staff, partners and outside agencies.
Temporary registration
If you need to notify Salford Children's Social Care of the temporary registration of a family or that a family have transferred to Salford, please contact the Safeguarding Children and Quality Assurance Unit either by email; cpru@salford.gov.uk or by telephone; 0161 603 4350.
Allegations and Concerns about a Member of Staff or Volunteer
Community and voluntary sector organisations should contact the Local Authority Designated Officer, when they have information that suggests an adult who works or volunteers with children may have harmed a child.
Currently the Local Authority Designated Officers (LADO) receive very few referrals from the community and voluntary sector. This may be because there are fewer allegations regarding staff and volunteers within our sector or that as a sector we are under reporting.
In addition to discussing a concern with an appropriate manager or designated officer in your own organisation, you should contact the LADO in regard to any allegation concerning a member of staff or a volunteer that suggests they:
- Behaved in a way that has harmed or may have harmed a child
- Possibly committed a criminal offence against children
- Behaved in a way that indicates they are unsuitable to work with children
- Behaved towards a child/children in a way that indicates that they may pose a risk of harm to children.
The LADO should be consulted within one working day of any allegation that meets the criteria above. A referral to the LADO can be made on the Salford City Council portal.
Additional learning
Salford Safeguarding Children’s Partnership provides additional learning which can be accessed via their website
NSPCC provides a range of tools resources and training relating to Safeguarding Children. Visit the NSPCC Website.
NAVCA is the National Association for Voluntary and Community Action. They provide information and resources and lead safeguarding awareness campaigns. Visit the NAVCA website.
Anne Craft Trust use the latest research and theory about good practice in their safeguarding disabled young people courses. Visit the Anne Craft Trust Website.