Support for Schools

Support for Schools

Salford CVS is funded by NHS Salford CCG to deliver the Healthy Schools programme with primary schools throughout the city. The programe consists of a grants programme combined with practical support for schools in planning projects, applying for funding and evaluating project impact.  We also support and encourage links between schools and VCSE organisations to develop bids and secure funding. On this page, you can find out about funding, see some great past projects and get information and useful links for schools. There is also contact information and list of VCSE organisations that work with young people.

If you’re a School or VCSE organisation that would like to be connected please get in touch at or call 0161 787 7795 

To see some great work primary schools and secondary schools have done with VCSE sector partners check out our case studies and video below.

#Salfordstories Film

Video case study of the H.A.P.P.Y. Project, delivererd by Chatsworth Academy Healthy Schools Project

Explore the map to discover the schools projects we've funded 2017-20

 Click this icon below on the map to explore the list of awarded grants 


Wrestling, Boxing and Weight Lifting at Barton Athletic working with 6 Eccles Primary Schools

2018 - 2019

AQA Woodwork at Larkhill Primary
School working with Paula Greenwood

2017 - 2018



Forest Schools at Godfrey Ermen Primary School working with Incredible Education

2018 - 2019

Breathstars Project at St Paul Peel's Primary School working with Brightness Managment and Unlimited Potential

2018 - 2019

 Does your primary school want to deliver a project like one of these above?

Connecting with the VCSE sector

Here is growing list of Salford CVS membership organisations that work with young people

You can download this spreadsheet and filter it by theme various themes Music, Food, Growing, Theatre, Sexual Health, Health, Sport, Forest Schools, Wildlife, and those organisations that come under multiple are under multiple catagory 

Find out more about funding opportunities and support below.

Funding for Schools

Over the three years 2017-20 Salford CVS has managed two grant programme funded by Salford Clinical Commission Group. These are Healthy Schools Fund for £5,000 and Healthy Schools Partnership Fund for £15,000 for community group and Salford Primary School(s) to develop a partnership project.

In 2021 we also launched a pilot programme Healthy Schools Tranistions Grant that look to support years 6s tranistion to high school. This project is also partnership project. Secondary Schools across Salford are leading on this project partnering with their feeder primary schools and local VCSE organistions. 

Futher Funding

Salford CVS has recently subscribed to the national Grants for Schools database enabling us to search a variety of funding schemes that might support your project. 

We also share funding news through the headteacher newsletter sent out by Salford City Council.

You can view our Funding for Schools Factsheet here.

If you would like support in seeking funding for a specific project please contact Anna Horton, Healthy Schoools Development Worker, at or call 0161 787 7795 

Useful Links for Schools

Emotional Friendly Schools -The Emotionally Friendly Schools (EFS) programme is a flexible, whole-school approach to improving children's mental health and wellbeing. It is supported by Salford Educational Psychology Service. To become Emotional Friendly School please email the emotional friendly schools team at or visit their dedicated webstie here.

Partnerships in Salford - 0-25 advisory board - This link has lots of useful links on where to get help and support from statutory services and the wider sector

Children's Safeguarding - we also run our own Children's Safeguarding training which you can find the latest dates here.

0-25 Research and development report - Part of this research as directory was developed of Salford organisations that work with young people you can find this directory here. This is a great resource to find VCSE organistions to run your projects with. 


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Get In Touch

Salford CVS & Volunteer Centre
Registered address 
The Old Town Hall 
5 Irwell Place 
Salford, M30 0FN

Tel: 0161 787 7795 

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Having been in the sector for over 25 years, one thing I’ve learned is that there is not often a


Salford CVS is the city-wide infrastructure organisation for the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector; providing specialist information, advice, development support and opportunities for influence and collaboration.