How well do we really know the place we live… what does it mean to be a member of Salford CVS?

Group with cheque

Salford Old Town HallI am someone who was born in Salford and spent most of my life living here. However, it was not until I came to work at Salford CVS that I really began to understand all of the great things happening in the city I call home.

Everyday hundreds of ‘ordinary’ people who live and work across Salford selflessly give up their time and energy to better their communities. Creating organisations to meet the needs of local people, volunteering their free time for others and improving their community spaces. I have walked past The Old Town Hall in Eccles hundreds of times, unaware that inside the staff at SCVS were working hard to support local community groups, voluntary organisations and Social Enterprise organisations right across Salford.  

SCVS is a membership organisation that promotes the interest of VCSE organisations in Salford. We currently have over 990 members who are based or have beneficiaries here in Salford. From sports clubs to large charities, ‘friends of’ groups to social enterprises – all VCSE not-for-private-profit organisations are welcome. If you are looking for a specific group, it probably exists in Salford. Did you know Salford has its own Viking Re-enactment group?

Becoming a member is free, simply check our eligibility criteria here and apply by completing our online membership form or download a paper application form.

Why become a member of SCVS?

Joining gives you access to our extensive grants programme, invitation to our AGM with voting rights (full membership only) and priority access to our Annual Conference, training and events. Help and support is available from our Development Team, whether it is funding, help with governance, safeguarding and much more. Does your organisation need volunteers or do you want to volunteer? Help is available from our Volunteer Centre Team. We also offer a variety of training and workshop events, which can be booked via our website.

Salford AGM
As well as help and support by becoming a member you will become part of a wider network of organisations across Salford. You can meet other groups at our e
vents and learn about what else is happening in the city.

Take our last AGM, back in November 2022, 98 people gave up their evening to celebrate the previous 12 months work of SCVS and our members. Groups were able to ‘Pitch in 30 seconds’ to win money for their group. We had singing, acting, poetry and heartfelt speeches from those groups who do so much with so little. 

“Presentations were amazing, network sessions were very good and useful and the Q&A session helped clarify a lot of the issues”

“Salford CVS is a Godsend to groups who don’t know where to begin on their funding journey. They really are knowledgeable and ready to help everyone.”

Essential Information Day

Just last month we held our first Essential Information Day, 49 people attended from various organisations to access support from across our teams.

“Great advice. Nice to be able to get so much help and advice all for free with a smile”

“As a new member of a non-profit organisation it was an insight into different departments that help organisations strive”

There is so much great work going on across the VCSE sector in Salford, our job at SCVS is to support that work, shout about it, and ensure that the sector can continue to thrive.

If you have any questions about becoming a member of SCVS please email or call 0161 787 7795.

Gill Bruder, Office Manager and Rachel Sadler, Membership Administrator

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Salford CVS & Volunteer Centre
Registered address 
The Old Town Hall 
5 Irwell Place 
Salford, M30 0FN

Tel: 0161 787 7795 

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Salford CVS is the city-wide infrastructure organisation for the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector; providing specialist information, advice, development support and opportunities for influence and collaboration.