The Elevate Fund* is offering grants of up to £15,000 for VCSE-led projects focused on improving employment opportunities for the following priority groups:
- Carers
- Care leavers
- Disabled people
- People in recovery
- People experiencing homelessness
- Ex-offenders and their families
- Victims of modern slavery
- Victims of domestic abuse
This fund is only open to organisations that meet the eligibility criteria below:
- Constituted as a charity or social enterprise
- Full member of Salford CVS
- Based in Salford OR have a strong track record of delivery in Salford
- With an organisational Bank Account with two signatories who are not related to each other
Fully up to date with grant reporting to Salford CVS
Application deadline
The closing date for applications is 12pm (noon) on Monday 7th April 2025.
Discussing your proposal (recommended):
Applicants are invited to discuss their proposal with Sandrine Beaunol, Programme Manager: sandrine.beaunol@salfordcvs.co.uk 07579831414
Support with your application:
If you have any questions about completing the application form, contact the Grants Team at grants@salfordcvs.co.uk or 0161 787 7795.
Meet the Funder
Salford CVS will be hosting a Meet the Funder session (online) on Wednesday 12th March at 12pm - 1pm.
Click the link below to register:
Elevate Fund (2025) - Meet the Funder | Salford CVS
Key documents
Download the Guidance Notes (Word or PDF):
Download the Application Form (Word):
Download the Template Budget (Excel):
Download the Terms and Conditions (Word or PDF):
*The Elevate Fund was previously called the Learning, Skills and Work Fund.