Volunteer Opportunities

Opportunity hosted by: Growing Together Levenshulme

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Opportunity hosted by: Growing Together Levenshulme

We are looking for volunteer Trustees to join our volunteer-run, user-led, Manchester-based charity which runs therapeutic gardening sessions for refugees and people seeking asylum at our community allotment in Levenshulme.

We support around 150 participants each year. We provide a beautiful, relaxing and productive space for people to grow food, share skills and support each other. We keep people connected with each other, provide practical and emotional support and signpost people to other support organisations.

Our Board of Trustees oversees the running of the charity, advising on the legal, financial, administration and governance aspects of our work. Our Board of Trustees meet 4 times a year for 90 minutes on a weekday evening. We will accommodate access needs and cover expenses.

What type of activity will volunteers be doing?: Gardening / Horticulture, Health and Wellbeing, Human and Civil Rights, Legal Aid and Justice, Mental Health, Race Ethnicity and Refugees, Trusteeship and Committee Work
Where is the opportunity based?: Greater Manchester
Volunteering location accessbility:
Availability required:

This grid shows when you can volunteer for this opportunity.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
What is the duration of the volunteering opportunity?: Long term
Start date:
End Date:
Skills and qualifications that may be needed or developed:

We do not require specific skills or qualifications. However, we are especially looking for people with the following skills:
People with experience of the UK asylum system
Human Resources
Legal oversight of charities
Oversight of financial systems
People who have worked in the charity sector and/or with refugees and people seeking asylum

This opportunity is suitable for the following groups: All, Refugees and asylum seekers
Is this opportunity suitable for under 18s?: No
Does this opportunuity have gender restrictions?: No
Are out of-pocket expenses covered for volunteers?: Yes