Organisation Directory

Organisation Name

Organisation description

Starling Starling run creative projects for, with and by neurodiverse young people (ASD / ADHD / Tourettes / Dyspraxia / Dyscalculia / Learning Disabilities / Mental Health / ACEs / Trauma) across Greater…
START inspiring minds
Start Living Smart Lives Healthy Lifestyles, for parents with pre-school children to attend, family fun with food, group cooking ideas, cooking healthy family meals on a budget.
Step Together Volunteering At Step Together, we motivate, inspire and enable people who are most excluded from society to participate in community volunteering as a way of helping them to develop the skills, confidence and…
Stepping Stones Creative Using the creative arts in the personal development and wellbeing of vulnerable young people and those with special educational needs and disabilities.
Street Soccer Academy Street Soccer Academy uses the sport of football to engage with individuals with complex and multiple needs. Access to the services of the charity is by referral only and for males aged 18 years plus…
Street Support Salford & Manchester Help homeless , from the streets in to work/community , Clothing/ food/ furniture/ advice and support.
Missing people
Multi media posting and support.
Stress Management & Relaxation We do relaxation and stress management
STUDIO 96 DANCE ACADEMY CIC The company will provide a safe environment to encourage participation in dance and other physical activities, providing a social space for people to meet and encourage health and well-being in the…
SUGGEST Advocacy and support for people with disabilities who live in Salford and arrange for personal care through direct payment scheme. Office hours Mon-Fri 9.30-3.30. Weekends by appointment only.