Organisation Directory

Organisation Name

Organisation description

Salford Loaves and Fishes Windsor Drop-In cenre works with the local community to provide support services to adults who may be vulnerable and experiencinh Homelessness or other issues relating to alcohol, drug use and mental…
Salford Lunen Churches Partnership Based on the town twinning between Salford and Lunen (Germany), the partnership caters for the churches of the two cities (Protestant/Catholic in Lunen, Anglican/Methodist/Catholic/URC/Quakers/…
Salford M3 Magazine Salford M3 magazine is produced by a group of residents and volunteers, especially for the trinity, Islington, black friars and greengate districts of Salford. These districts make up the Salford M3…
Salford Mediation Mediation aims to help neighbours in dispute to resolve their differences. It is a free, confidential, impartial and voluntary service for council tenants. The mediators are specially trained…
Salford Men's Action Group Blackpool Trips, 10 for outdoor activities, Lledr Hall OEC
Salford Mental Health Forum
Salford Mets Athletic Club Track and field athletics
Venue Address: Cleavley Track, Blantyre Street, Winton, Salford.
Activity Days of Week: Monday, Thursday
Core Opening Hours: Mon, Thu 6.30-9pm
Salford MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) Venue Address: Swinton Judo Club, Moorside Road,
Swinton, M27
Activity Days of Week: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.
Salford Multicultural African Group - Serving as link integrating african communities in salford with the main stream through culture, arts, entertainment, sports.
- To keep the youth off the streets through skills development…
Salford Naz Community Hall The Naz provides a free cafe which runs 3 days a week. This is a place where people can meet in safety without judgement and with acceptance.
We also provide a food pantry (open alongside the…