Impact Fund: Tackling Health Inequalities (Wider Determinants of Health)

This Fund is now closed to applications.

Grants of up to £30,000 for VCSE-led projects focused on tackling health inequalities by addressing the wider determinants of health.

Closing date: 12.00pm (midday) on Monday 30th September.


Salford residents spend a higher proportion of their lives in poor health than average for England, and this typically affects the more deprived parts of the city to a greater extent (Salford Locality Plan, 2020-2025).

Health is not simply the result of individual behaviours, genetics, and medical care. Factors like income, housing, jobs, education, relationships, access to green spaces and air quality all impact on our health. These are the “causes of the causes” of poor health – also known as the wider determinants of health. It is how the wider determinants of health are distributed across different groups of people that lead to health inequalities. These factors often overlap, meaning people can fall into combinations of these categories and compound the severity of inequalities experienced (GM Integrated Care Partnership, 2024).

The Impact Fund is open to established VCSE organisations for 12-month projects addressing one or more of the wider determinants of health listed in ‘Funding priorities’ below.

The fund has been made possible by financial support of NHS Salford Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) as part of the Third Sector Fund.

Funding priorities
All proposals must address one or more of the following wider determinants of health. Please note, applicants are also required to consider three additional focus areas when planning the project. See the guidance notes for more information.

  • Poverty and inequality
  • Creating vibrant places and spaces
  • Tackling the climate emergency
  • Skills and education (A Learning City)
  • Housing and homelessness
  • Transport and digital connectivity

This fund is only open to organisations that meet the eligibility criteria below:

  • Constituted as a voluntary, community or social enterprise (VCSE) organisation
  • Full members of Salford CVS only    
  • Based in Salford OR have a strong track record of delivery in Salford
  • With a minimum turnover of £100,000 and a maximum turnover of £3m
  • With an organisational Bank Account with 2 signatories who are not related to each other
  • Fully up to date with grant reporting to Salford CVS

Please read the following guidance notes for more information and how to apply. If you have any accessibility requirements please contact the Grants Team: T: 0161 787 7795

Discussing your proposal: Prospective applicants are invited to discuss their project proposal with Ella Bulbeck, Grants Coordinator: E: M: 07592 036307


Key documents

Download the Guidance Notes (Word or PDF):

Download the Application Form (Word): 

Download the Template Budget (Excel):

Download the Terms and Conditions (Word or PDF):