Funding opportunities

Grants managed by Salford CVS

Here are some of the funding opportunities we manage - these are constantly updated.

Click the buttons below for more details and how to apply. 

Digital Inclusion Fund
Elevate Salford Fund
Together We Create button


Please note: Typically, only organisations which are full members of Salford CVS are eligible to apply for Salford CVS managed grants. If you're unsure about your organisation's membership status, please get in touch. To apply for membership you'll need to complete a simple online form here.  Applications for membership are considered by Salford CVS' Board of Trustees, which typically meets on a monthly basis.

Social Research Project - Elevate Salford

Elevate Salford Social Research Project

Evaluating the long-term impact and benefit of the Elevate Salford programme’s current model

Elevate Salford is seeking a skilled and experienced research organisation to undertake a piece of social research to evaluate the long-term impact of the Elevate Salford Programme on participants supported into employment over the last three years. 

This research will provide critical insights into the effectiveness of our bespoke, individualised approach and its ability to deliver sustainable employment and improved wellbeing for individuals furthest from the job market.

Deadline: 31st March 2025
More information: Sandrine Beaunol