Would your organisation like to offer:
- Lunchtime or after-school activities
- Activities for High School enrichment days?
If your answer is YES to either of these or you just want to know more about working with High Schools in Salford then please do contact me. My name is Tom Cole, I work for the Youth Service in Salford and am currently working on a Government Funded Pilot Project called the Enrichment Partnerships Pilot. The Pilot is working with 10 High Schools in Salford to support them with developing their enrichment offer to pupils, so essentially helping them to offer more and a wider variety or afterschool, and lunchtime activities, and activities for school enrichment days.
The Project has consulted over 1400 pupils so far, and young people have said they are really keen to take part in lots of activities, especially related to sports, drama, dance, life skills, computing, arts and creativity, careers and mental health and wellbeing.
Currently the Enrichment Partnerships Pilot does not come with any funding, but some schools seem to have small amounts of funding to pay for enrichment, and we are looking at how we can support organisations and schools to apply for funding, if needed.
Please contact Tom if your organisation would be interested in getting involved in the Pilot project, or you are interested in finding out more. The High Schools taking part are from right across Salford. Tom Cole: tom.cole@salford.gov.uk Tel: 07971 963 167