Vocal Wellbeing, Health & Social Care Forum
About the Forum
This forum was established in 2016 and brings together a range of VCSE groups, in particular those working to improve the wellbeing, health and care of residents within the city of Salford.
The aim of Vocal Wellbeing Health & Social Care Forum is to work in partnership to improve wellbeing, health and care within the city of Salford.
- To provide broad ranging representation of the views and interest of VCSE organisations working to improve wellbeing, health and care within the city of Salford
- To ensure that the Vocal Wellbeing Health & Social Care membership organisations’ expertise and diverse experience fully informs wellbeing, health and care strategy, service transformation and commissions
Vocal Wellbeing, Health & Social Care Reps
Meet your representatives here
Vocal Wellbeing, Health & Social Care Forum meets four times a year.
Forum Meeting Reports
Read the reports from our latest Wellbeing, Health & Social Care Forums:
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‘Access to Primary Care’ World Café Conversation event report
As part of the work being undertaken by the Access sub-group of the Salford Provider Collaborative Board, co-chaired by Dr Vannamalar Selvaraasan and Alison Page, Salford CVS hosted an ‘Access to Primary Care’ World Café Conversation event on Thursday 13th July, at Buile Hill Park Hall. This event was, in part, a recognition of the pressures on Primary Care staff and the frustrations felt by patients at present. This is due to a combination of factors, including the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the cost-of-living crisis.
Membership is open to VCSE organisations working within the city of Salford
To become a member of the Vocal Wellbeing, Health & Social Care Forum contact vocal@salfordcvs.co.uk
Michelle Warburton (Voice & Influence Manager)
Email: michelle.warburton@salfordcvs.co.uk