Research and insight

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State of the Sector 

State of the Sector is a partnership piece of research commissioned by Salford CVS working with stakeholders across Greater Manchester and the University of Salford. 

The key objective of the research was to provide a comprehensive overview of the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector both within the city of Salford and Greater Manchester as a whole. 

Salford State of the VCSE Sector | Salford CVS

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Pulse Checks

The Salford CVS Pulse Check, is a quarterly survey that captures insight at specific points in time. 

The Pulse Check enables us to pick out key trends or issues within the VCSE sector which can be shared with our Vocal VCSE representatives, the wider VCSE sector and our Public sector partners to support our voice and influence work, and to improve collaborative working.

Pulse Check insight coming soon...


The Strengths of the VCSE sector in improving health and wellbeing for residents in Salford

Salford CVS was commissioned by Salford City Council as part of their Joint Strategic Strengths and Needs Assessment to conduct research into the strengths the VCSE sector brings to improving health and wellbeing for residents in Salford

This research was divided into research around Children and Young People, and Adults.  The reports can be found below: