Read Easy Volunteers Needed


Read Easy offer free, one to one and confidential reading support to adults who struggle to read in a way that impacts daily life. In Salford there are circa 9% of the adult population in this category – that is almost 20,000 adults in your community.  Reading is a basic requirement of everyday life but a skill many of us take for granted. Not being able to read means not only that you can not read letters, reach your full potential in work or support your child in their education.

Can you imagine not being able to :

  • Write a short note
  • Read household bills or hospital referrals
  • Choose a birthday card for a loved one
  • Use a cash point, a parking app, shop or follow bus timetables
  • Access essential information on things like food allergies, healthcare and safety instructions

We are seeking volunteers to join our team who will organise, oversee and plan the reading sessions. We have volunteers willing to be part of our committee but need a few more to be able to launch. The roles are varied so if you have a few hours a month to spare you could help make a difference. Please contact for more information.

Once the committee is formed we can enrol and train volunteers as Reading Coaches and offer our support to those struggling to read.

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