Salford Third Sector Consortium Stage 1 Application

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Consortium Lead Contact
Organistion Details
Consortium Details
Salford 3rd Sector Consortium membership criteria
A third/not for profit sector organisation with a clear social purpose or charitable objectives
Does the organisation meet all of the requirements of the Salford 3rd Sector Consortium membership criteria?
Good communication and networking skills
Agreement to provide support or mentoring opportunities to other members
Operate in Salford
Information management capability
Commitment to consortium working
Minimum standard for quality assurance/contract thresholds
Have read and understood the above roles and responsibilities of Salford Third Sector Consortium members and agree to abide by them
Company Limited by Guarantee
Community Interest Company
Constituted Group (Unincorporated Association)
Industrial and Provident Society
Charitable Incorporated Organisation
Other Organisation Type
Registered Charity
Management Committee/Board of Trustees or Directors
Do you belong to any other consortia?