IWD25: Events

International Women's Day 2025


International Women's Day events across Salford and Greater Manchester:


International Women's Day


International Women's Day with She Leads for Legacy:
Date: Monday 10th March
Time: 6pm - 8pm
Location: KPMG Manchester

Join She Leads for Legacy, kindly hosted by KPMG, for a powerful, in-person event dedicated to driving action, sparking solutions, and accelerating equity for Black women in the workplace and beyond.

Book here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/international-womens-day-with-she-leads-for-legacy-tickets-1249173514609?aff=ebdssbdestsearch&keep_tld=1 


"Women into visual art and enterprise exhibition"


Women Into Visual Arts and Enterprise (WIVA): Exhibition in March (10th-26th)

The Women Into Visual Arts Project pioneered in September 2023. Local women with little or no experience were mentored through art workshops and business enterprise workshops for a period of 4-6 weeks.

The art is displayed at an exhibition and all proceeds of sale go to the female artists. 

More information: https://langworthycornerstone.co.uk/event/wiva/ 


Take Action together International Women's Day poster


Take Action Together - IWD Open Studio Family Session
Date: Saturday 8th March
Time: 10:30am - 1pm
Location: Re:Play Studio, Top Floor, Lowry Outlet Mall (Next to Vue Cinema)

"We’ll be using recycled and scrap materials to craft sashes, banners, and artwork to celebrate the powerful and inspiring women in our lives. Whether it’s a tribute to a historical icon, a message of empowerment, or a creative expression of what this day means to you, this session is all about creativity, community, and celebration. 

This event is a FREE drop-in event that does not require booking. Just turn up and get creative!