Carers Focus Groups (Salford) - Accessibility of Services (Male Carers)

Carers Focus Groups (Salford)
Topic: Accessibility of Services (Male Carers)



  • Thursday 23rd May, 10.45am-12.30pm, Eccles Gateway
  • Tuesday 28th May, 6pm-7.15pm, Online - Zoom

Are you a Male Carer* living in Salford?

#HaveYourSay on carer support services, from positive experiences, to barriers / issues. We want to hear your suggestions for improvement. 

Maybe you want more sociable activities, so you can have a break from caring and have some fun? Maybe you want a male carers group? Let’s create solutions together.

Join us in person & we’ll provide a brew, snacks and reimburse public travel / parking (reasonable expenses). Or join online from the comfort of your own home.

Can’t make it? We’re happy to hear your experiences and ideas via phone, or email.

To book please contact: | 0161 834 6069 |


*A carer is anyone who cares, unwaged, for a friend, partner, family member, or neighbour, who due to illness, disability, a mental health condition, substance misuse, or frailty cannot cope without their support.