Join the ENSEMBLE project on resilient communities (and earn £20)

What is ENSEMBLE?Image removed.
The ENSEMBLE project is an initiative focused on promoting equitable recovery and enhancing social cohesion through developing and transforming community spaces. The project responds to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, aiming to build sustainable, inclusive, and resilient urban environments that protect people from future crises, including pandemics and climate change.

This study examines the role of physical man-made structures and how they help communities recover from difficult times. We're looking at how places like buildings, parks, and other physical spaces in the community can help us all feel connected and supported. We want to understand how these places affect how we get along with each other and how we work together as a community. ln other words, we are interested in understanding how different types of built spaces in a community can help sustain social cohesion.

We're asking people like you to help us learn more by sharing your thoughts and experiences.

What is Social Cohesion?
ln this study, Social cohesion is the degree of relationships, trust, and support among individuals within a society or neighbourhood, their sense of belonging and their willingness to get involved to achieve the common good. This project aims to assess the built environment, i.e. (such as buildings,
monuments, infrastructure, open or green spaces, etc.), and its impact on social cohesion and community resilience.

Why is this important?
The ENSEMBLE project aims to generate localized insights into how community spaces can foster social connections and resilience. It seems to inform urban policies and practices that promote equitable recovery and long-term sustainability in cities across different income levels.
By engaging diverse community voices, the project emphasizes inclusivity and aims to create community spaces that benefit al! residents.

What will you do?
Take photos of your neighbourhood and contribute to increasing social cohesion in Salford.
You will receive a £10 reward for participating in each of the two stages of this research study, for a total of £2O.

  1. Participant Photograph: Take Photos of locations that impact social togetherness and connections.
  2. Community Enqaqement: Sort the Photos in themes to make a Community Map.

Full instructions

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