Our Team

Meet the Salford CVS Team:

Senior Managers

The Salford CVS senior management team leads the organisation by setting strategic direction and overseeing operations. Our senior management team provide leadership and support to staff, manage high-level stakeholder relationships, and ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

To find out more about our priorities as an organisation take a look at our What We Do page.

Alison Page

Alison Page
Chief Executive
Kirsten Robinson Kirsten Robinson 
Deputy Chief Executive

Bethan Kelly

Bethan Kelly
Chief Operating Officer

What do you enjoy most about your role?
The opportunity to work collaboratively to create positive change and impact. 

Health and Social Care

Bruce Poole

Bruce Poole
Senior Strategic Lead for Health and Social Care
Jerry Lawes Jerry Lawes
Long COVID/Hospital Discharge Worker


Programme Managers

Salford CVS programme managers coordinate and oversee various projects and partnership programmes, ensuring they align with organisational goals and community needs. Our Programme Managers play a crucial role in facilitating communication, collaboration, and the successful delivery of partnerships.

Sandrine Beaunol
Programme Manager Elevate Salford - VCSE Learning, Skills and Work
Susan Crabb Susan Crabb
Programme Manager Answer Cancer



The Salford CVS development team supports community groups and organisations. They provide capacity-building services, such as training, guidance, and resources, to enhance the effectiveness and sustainability of groups. The team also builds partnerships and collaborations within our community.

Anne-Marie Marshall Anne-Marie Marshall
Services Manager
Jeremy Engineer Jeremy Engineer
Development Worker
Beatty Osborne Beatty Osborne
Development Worker



Liz Atkinson
Safeguarding Development Worker

I’m the Safeguarding Development Worker at Salford CVS, part of the Development Team. I deliver our Adult Safeguarding Basic Awareness and Working Together to Safeguard Children courses, for staff and volunteers who work directly with children, young people or adults at risk of harm. I really enjoy meeting lots of different people and hearing about the great work that organisations around the borough are doing with children, young people and adults. I also support organisations with their safeguarding policies, providing templates and guidance on how to make policies real for staff, volunteers and beneficiaries.


Wellbeing Matters

Wellbeing Matters, led by Salford CVS, includes a social prescribing approach that links statutory health and care services to the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector. The aim is to support people to connect to local community assets to support their wellbeing and independence, reducing the need for intervention by health and care services.

To find out more take a look at our Wellbeing Matters webpage


Nic Spiby-Roberts
Programme Manager Wellbeing Matters

Jenny Capper

Jenny Capper
Development Worker Wellbeing Matters 

The best bit is meeting clients, helping, supporting them and seeing the positive impact that volunteering makes to their lives.

Carolanne Mack






Carolanne Mack
Programme Administrative Support Wellbeing Matters

My role plays to my strengths in the fact that I have had a very varied life myself and have worked supporting people in the Salford community for approximately 20 years in various settings. The best bit – supporting the service along with the Community Connectors which in turn support the public. I do like that no two days are the same and that I do still get the opportunity to have contact with clients and other services who refer in. I find it very rewarding when I work with a client who initially is very dismissive about what we can do to help them help themselves. Then feel the turn around once they realise that yes, we can support them. Since I started with CVS my skill set has been recognised and I have been able to adopt various tweaks and changes to my role and hours. I get job satisfaction at the end of the day when I know that every name presented/ referred has had contact and that they know what is happening for them to enhance their wellbeing.

Children, Families and Young People

Michelle Warburton Michelle Warburton
Strategic Lead - VCSE Voice & Influence, Safeguarding Lead
Byshhe Harkavy Byshhe Harkavy
VCSE & Volunteer Engagement Worker (Family Hub - Central & North)

Noah Mellor





Noah Mellor
VCSE & Volunteer Engagement Worker (Family Hub - South & West)

My role is to create volunteering opportunities at Salford Family Hubs. I support the people who are offering their time and energy to help families as Family Hub Volunteers. I additionally work with the Family Hubs to help create and develop partnerships between VCSE organisations and the Family Hubs. The hope is that this will help to make it easier for families to find and access the support that is available to them where they live. I feel very lucky to be able to work with and support people who are helping families and making a difference to where they live. It is also really great to be a part of people's journey as a volunteer and to see the positive effect it can have to be a part of delivering the Stay and Play and the Baby Massage sessions. I really think volunteering can give people a feeling money can’t buy, and it’s great to be a part of this.

Karl Chisipochinyi

Karl Chisipochinyi
Family Hub Navigator

I am Karl Chisipochinyi (Chee-See-Po-Chin-Eee), and I am a Family Hub Navigator, under Michelle's team covering Salford North and Central. I am coming over from Wellbeing Matters previously being a Community Connector and I am excited to apply my experience to working with/supporting families into the vast and growing resources we have for young parents, fathers and families with multiple identities.

Rachel Shenton

Rachel Shenton
Family Hub Navigator.

My name is Rachel Shenton and I am the Family Hub Navigator for South and West Locality. My role will involve working with a range of parents/carers to find out what matters to them and then connecting them to the appropriate support or service. I have a wealth of knowledge and experience of working with families and I am very much looking forward to this role and being a part of Salford CVS.

Andy  Mossop Andy Mossop
Strategic Support Officer
Amy Williams
Violence Reduction Development Worker
Martyn Willcock Martyn Willcock
Social Enterprise Development Worker

Active Communities

Ben Fowler


Ben Fowler
Active Communities Manager

I’m Ben Fowler, and I’m Active Communities Manager. I oversee all activity and projects that involve active communities, from volunteering to physical activity. I join the dots between these to help Salford residents be active in their community. I enjoy spotting new opportunities for active community projects, that we can then try to pull partners and funding together for. I also enjoy the variety of projects – it’s a challenge overseeing so many different projects, but one I find rewarding to try and organise.

Claire Roberts Claire Roberts
Volunteer Centre Coordinator
Grace Kennedy Grace Kennedy
Volunteering Development Worker
Michael Carroll Michael Carroll
Volunteering Development Worker
Nicola O'Neill Nicola O’Neill
Age Friendly
Volunteer Development Worker
Stewart Knights Stewart Knights
Little Hulton Live Well Development Worker

What I am looking forward to in your new role? 
As a resident of Little Hulton I am looking forward to learning more about my local area and meeting passionate people who are interested in the future of our community. 


Contact: volunteer@salfordcvs.co.uk or office@salfordcvs.co.uk


Grants and Investments

Over the last 10 years Salford CVS' grants programme has evolved and grown significantly into one of the largest VCSE focused grants programmes led by a local infrastructure organisation in Greater Manchester.

To find out more about our grants programme for 2024/25 take a look at our Funding page. If you're looking for funding, take a look at our Live Grants page and our Funding Support page.

Simon Robinson Simon Robinson
Grants Manager
Ella Bulbeck Ella Bulbeck
Grants Coordinator
Niamh Meehan Niamh Meehan
Grants Development Worker

Ashley Chapman



Ashley Chapman
Grants & Physical Activity Development Worker

As a Grants Development Worker I love getting to hear and read about all the creative, caring and innovative projects being designed and delivered for the people of Salford. Seeing the large number of applications coming in demonstrates just how many people are out there trying to do their bit for others and illustrates just how mighty and kind-hearted the Salford community is. In my new part-time role as a Physical Activity Development worker in Broughton I am really enjoying finding out and learning about the Broughton Community and am looking forward to hearing and helping groups put their ideas on how we can increase people's physical activity levels into practice. 

Ganga Samarawickrama




Ganga Samarawickrama
Grants Administrator

I am coordinating the Personal Recovery Support Fund under the Achieve grant. This grant supports the recovery journey of substance misusers, particularly by providing items and services. We get their requests through Achieve workers. Most of the time, they request laptops, smartphones & wifi connections to stay in touch with their recovery sessions and other social and personal affairs. Some of them need white goods so they can restart their life. Above all, most of the clients prefer to have gym passes so they can stay active, and it helps with their physical and mental wellbeing. I am really enjoying fulfilling these needs, as they will support their recovery journey in numerous ways. The best part is that I get their feedback through the Achieve Workers, passing over their gratitude, thanking me, sending their love, etc. I am humbly grateful that I can be a small part of their recovery journey.

Klaudia Miskis Klaudia Miskis
Grants Officer 

Contact: grants@salfordcvs.co.uk

Administration and Finance

The Salford CVS administration and finance team handles essential operational and financial functions to support staff and members.

If you’d like to find out more about what services our administration and finance team offer to members, take a look at our Backroom Services webpage

Gill Bruder

Gill Bruder
Office Manager 
PA to the Chief Executive

The best bit of my role is the variety of work/getting out to meet people and seeing the difference Salford CVS makes in the communities of Salford.

Helen Johnson Helen O'Brien
Administrative Officer
(Meetings and Events)
Rachel Sadler Rachel Sadler 
Administrative Officer
(Membership Services)
Natalie Demou
Administrative Assistant
Samantha Hill Samantha Hill
Finance Officer
Betsy Mak Betsy Mak
Finance Assistant





Mayuri Theobald 
Human Resource Officer

My role is to support the Deputy CEO with the day-to-day running of our staff at Salford CVS. The role is varied and I thoroughly enjoy it as it involves drafting offer letters, employment contracts, completing background checks, supporting managers with recruitment, onboarding, employee lifecycle, training and development employee exit/offboarding. There is always an opportunity to get involved in other aspects of the organisations such as volunteering and attending events with Salford CVS. The best bits about my role are being able to work with all our staff and get to know them individually as well as meeting new staff that join the organisations and welcoming them to settle into their role.

Contact: office@salfordcvs.co.uk


The Salford CVS communications team help to keep internal and external communications running smoothly and regularly. They also send out our weekly E-Bulletin and collect information and events to add to our noticeboards. They also host communications focused training sessions that aim to build communications capacity for individuals and organisations in Salford.

If you’d like to receive our weekly E-Bulletin sign up here and if you would like to take a look at our noticeboards visit our What’s on in Salford page

Hannah Powell

Hannah Powell
Communications and Information Coordinator

What do you enjoy most about your role?
I feel we are lucky, as a Communications Team, as we have an overview of the amazing projects and people working in Salford CVS and across the VCSE sector in Salford. I love being able to showcase and help publicise the work of the sector and give the individuals working and volunteering the recognition they deserve.

Imogen Openshaw Imogen Openshaw
Communications and Information

Contact: communications@salfordcvs.co.uk



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Get In Touch

Salford CVS & Volunteer Centre
Registered address 
The Old Town Hall 
5 Irwell Place 
Salford, M30 0FN

Tel: 0161 787 7795 

Latest Blogs

Having been in the sector for over 25 years, one thing I’ve learned is that there is not often a

As part of my job as a Grants Development Worker at Salford CVS, I have the pleasure of supportin


Salford CVS is the city-wide infrastructure organisation for the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector; providing specialist information, advice, development support and opportunities for influence and collaboration.