Think Child - Think Adult - Think Family - Good Practice Event

Exploring good practice guidance alongside reoccurring themes from reviews

Tuesday 11th June 2024, 9.30-12 noon

Microsoft Teams

Closing date for bookings: Tuesday 21st May

Booking form

Think family means securing better outcomes for adults, children and families by coordinating the support and delivery of services from all organisations. In Salford, we want all professionals / practitioners to recognise the importance of this approach and to adopt and embrace it in their work. We are holding this joint event to raise awareness of these reoccurring learning themes and to share good practice guidance. The event will explore how professionals can support children and adults in a more person-centred way, and in the context of the family in which they live.

Aims of the session:

  • Highlighting the importance of a Think Family approach so that children's and adults services work together effectively to safeguard children and adults.

  • Explore what professional curiosity is and recognising the barriers to this

  • Highlight the importance of anti-discriminatory / culturally conscious practice and resources to support this.

  • Explore emerging and reoccurring themes for learning and how these may present in your organisation

  • Consider ways of taking learning back into your organisation and how to improve practice.

Who should attend?

This session is relevant to a wide range of multi-agency professionals from all services, especially practitioners and managers who come into contact with adults and children.


Contact Name
Pauline Clark
Application instructions

Attached is a job pack, short application form in which we ask you for some basic details and a few questions about your skills, knowledge and experience which are relevant to the role. An equalities monitoring form with simple questions and a GDPR statement which we ask you to confirm you have read. Applications should be emailed to: 

Closing date
Closing time
Employee Benefits
  • We operate through flexible working and home working: we have office space in the city centre but our approach balances personal choice, building teamwork and the needs of the people and groups we work with.
  • All staff have Personal Development Plans and a budget to cover the costs of external training and/or personal development activities.
  • Our Staff Health and Wellbeing Group: leads on ensuring we have a culture which supports the health and wellbeing of everyone at Macc. This includes “re-energise afternoons” taking time out to recharge and refresh; Mental Aid First Aid confidential support for staff who are struggling and a range of social and team activities throughout the year.
  • Volunteering leave: staff are entitled to up to 2 days per year (pro rata), with pay, to engage in voluntary work - just as we ask other businesses to do.
  • We encourage active travel and have incentives such as a support in buying public transport season tickets, a Cycle to Work scheme and travel expenses for cyclists.
  • We have been an accredited Real Living Wage employer since 2013.
Flexible Working options
Role type
Role Type/Cause (Tags)
Volunteer co-ordinator/management

£27,291 per annum

Working hours
Working Hours per week
Would you consider a job share for the role?
Would you consider a secondment for the role?