Greater Manchester Homeless Action Group

The Greater Manchester Homelessness Acton Network (GMHAN) works together to prevent homelessness and end rough sleeping across GM. our three task groups(Learn, lobby, deliver) are made up of people with lived experience of homelessness and people working with support services. 

Together, their aim is to find better solutions to the homelessness crisis. 

The Delivery Group 

They support services to deliver good quality responses, co-produced with people who have personal lived experience. By bringing them together and helping provide networking and training opportunities, their aim is to get more services more effectively meeting the needs of those they were set up to support.

What they do

  • Learn what works for people who are homeless
  • Deliver better interventions through partners and local places
  • Lobby for changes that will make a difference to people
  • Learn, Deliver, Lobby

How can you help?

New members are always welcome to find out more about any of our groups reach out today.