Wellbeing Matters and Social Prescribing

Social Prescribing in Salford

Social prescribing is making a huge difference in Salford and turning people's lives around. Have a read and watch of some of the moving honest stories.

We have films that bring social prescribing to life, case studies and a fantastic blog from Nic Spiby-Roberts, Programme Manager (Wellbeing Matters) on how social prescribing is empowering people to create healthier lives.

What is Social Prescribing - Blog
Social Prescribing Films
Social Prescribing Stories

Some key facts/stats

Last year our Community Connector team connected to over 4,000 different connections and destinations for support


Last year 74% of all connections out were to groups, activities, and organisations in the VCSE sector in Salford


In the last year we received over 3,500 referrals with Social Support, and advice and support being the top reasons for referral