Grants to boost wellbeing in Salford


What does creative foraging, Jewish community libraries, music classes, cultural WhatsApp chats and an LGBTQ+ pride event have in common?

They all positively impact the wellbeing of hundreds of Salford residents. That is why these activities, and many more innovative projects, have recently received an award from our Wellbeing Fund, supported by NHS Salford CCG.

On the 26th July 2021, Salford CVS were proud to award 25 amazing groups a grant to deliver Health and Wellbeing projects to a breadth of different communities across Salford. Looking at the applications made me reflect on wellbeing and reminded me it isn’t just one type of person who needs to consider their physical and mental health, it’s everyone. The groups that have just received this grant demonstrate this perfectly…

Playful Transformations will be working with children and families and they said,

“The wellbeing award will enable us to reduce social isolation as well as help children release their emotions in a non-threatening, playful environment. Thereby offering them improved happiness and a feeling of wellbeing.”

Europia informed us they were delighted to have the money to spend in Salford as

“There is a desperate need of providing culturally appropriate and language specific wellbeing support to EU nationals in Salford. This money will ensure we start this much needed work.”

And The Social Network for Seniors described the importance of having a place to meet

“This funding will enable seniors to meet in a social setting which will reduce the lonely feeling that the Covid19 restrictions caused. It will enable them to connect to the world around them and feel a sense of belonging.”

Other groups awarded the grant will be working with groups of women, refugee and asylum seekers, the Jewish community, African women, families, young people not in employment, education or training and many more communities. To see a list of the successful groups visit our Grants awarded page and scroll down to the Wellbeing Fund.

Whilst it’s great to hear about the difference that local groups are making to people’s lives, in truth it’s a privilege to be in a position to assist communities in taking a lead to improve local health and wellbeing.  Feedback from funded groups is always great to receive, whether it be by email or on social media (using the #SalfordStories hashtag).

African Rainbow Family told us

“Our efforts would not be possible without the continuous generosity and support of Salford CVS”

and Friends of Saint Thomas said

“A big thank you to the CVS in helping us to extend our hand of friendship and welcome”.

We would also like to thank all the groups that applied for funding for everything they do for their communities and remind them that we would not be able to continue our work without them. Salford CVS are proud to work with each and every one of you and assist us in our mission of ‘Making a difference in Salford’. We could not do this without you! We look forward to seeing how your projects get on and are here to help you along the way.

Our grateful thanks also go to NHS Salford Clinical Commissioning Group for their ongoing financial support via the Third Sector Fund.

Wellbeing Fund Round 2 – open for applications

If you know of a group that has a project that will improve the health & wellbeing of local communities, then the second round of the Wellbeing grant is now open and will close at 12 noon on Monday 4th October. Our live grants page has further details.

We would love to hear your ideas so please submit an application. If you have an idea but need some support to put your idea on paper or just want to speak to someone first, our Development team at Salford CVS are here to help and support you. To get in touch contact our office on 0161 787 7795, Monday – Friday, 9am – 4:30pm and good luck.

NHS salford ccg

Salford CVS
Ashley Chapman, Grants Development Worker

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The Old Town Hall 
5 Irwell Place 
Salford, M30 0FN

Tel: 0161 787 7795 

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Salford CVS is the city-wide infrastructure organisation for the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector; providing specialist information, advice, development support and opportunities for influence and collaboration.