Volunteer Registration Form

Make a difference in Salford

Volunteering is a great way to support your community

We have a range of volunteering roles available.

Our current roles



Family Hubs

Family Hub logo

No current Vacancies

Age Friendly Salford

Age Friendly Salford






















Stay in touch callers
This opportunity involves volunteers to having wellbeing conversations with isolated residents in our community. Volunteers phone and chat to specific individuals who may be housebound or anxious about going out.

Digital volunteer
In this role you may be helping people to set up kit and develop their basic digital skills and confidence to manage and support their health and wellbeing. Digital volunteers may be supporting sessions in the community and online sessions so ideally you should have access to your own smart phone, laptop or tablet and access to the internet at home. All activities are delivered by a member of the AFS team so you will always be fully supported.

Online activity volunteer
Our online activity volunteers provide support for our online activity from their own home. This role helps a member of the AFS team deliver the activity and encourage people to take part in wellbeing conversations. For this volunteering role you will need access to your own smart phone, laptop or tablet and access to the internet at home.

Wellbeing Conversation Facilitator
Can you make a difference to older people's wellbeing in Salford? All you have to do is have wellbeing conversations with older people aged 50 and above with people you know in Salford.
This is not a formal volunteering opportunity as you undertake your conversations when you wish in your own time. We just ask that you watch a short six min wellbeing conversation training film at: http://bit.ly/WellbeingConvo then register with us on one of our 1 hour zoom wellbeing training sessions. You will also receive a support booklet providing you with resources, techniques and tips on how to have a successful wellbeing conversation. A month after the training session you will be invited to an informal catch up with others to share your experiences of wellbeing conversations.

Volunteer Wellbeing Champions
Volunteer Wellbeing Champions can choose to volunteer on a number of projects including Digital, Community, Online Activity and Age Friendly Standards Assessor (55+) to increase older people's wellbeing. These projects are part of Age Friendly Salford. More details about each one follow:

Community volunteering involves supporting one of our weekly Wellbeing Brew & Chat events at different Gateways e.g. Eccles, Swinton, & Pendleton, wellbeing chats at one of our weekly Walk & Talk events etc.

We currently have a small team of older people trained to carry out assessments. If you are an older person and would like to join the team you can sign up to become an Age Friendly Standards volunteer assessor. Learn about Salford’s Age Friendly Standards and be supported to understand and carry out assessments.

Salford CVS

Salford CVS logo













Emergency Response Volunteer
Do you want to help your community in case there is ever a big local crisis? Can you keep calm and think straight in an emergency? Becoming an Emergency Response Volunteer allows you to make a difference during widespread flooding, fire or any other major incident in Salford.
We will only call on you in the event of a major incident, when you will asked to help support the police, fire and rescue services with a wide variety of tasks.

Typical tasks might include:

  • Supporting police, fire and rescue by manning access and exit points at the site of the emergency
  • Supporting police, fire and rescue to carry out evacuations
  • Helping communities prepare for extreme weather events such as flooding, snow or storms
  • Providing practical support such as assisting with clear up from an emergency
  • Providing practical support such as sorting, packing and distributing clothing, water or food
  • Providing emotional support to people who have been evacuated from their homes
  • Providing other practical support from office administration, answering the telephone or providing information to residents

Your life experience, both personal and professional could be of extreme value to this role so why not sign up today and take the first step towards helping the community prepare for, respond to and recover from emergencies.


Reception Centre Support Volunteer

Reception Centre Support Volunteers are at the forefront of support work to residents and communities who are displaced as a result of an emergency and it is a diverse and varied role. The most important resource for Salford CVS on the day of an emergency is to have a pool of volunteers to call upon to assist with the provision of emergency shelter for evacuees.

The main purpose of the role is to assist in a reception centre and help people who are temporarily displaced as a result of an emergency or disaster.


Fill out the short form below to apply now!

Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Salford CVS and Volunteer Centre. If you have any questions or wish to discuss anything prior to completing this form please contact us on 0161 787 7795 or email: volunteer@salfordcvs.co.uk

All of the information you provide on this form will be handled in a confidential manner and in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018.

1 Start 2 Complete
Your details
If the number you are submitting is a landline, please add an area code
Volunteer role

Please indicate which role you are interested in volunteering for..

More About You
Please tell us about any previous volunteering experience(s) and/or life experience(s) you have that you feel are relevant.
What attracts you to volunteering in the volunteer role/s you have chosen?
Have you undertaken any previous training that you feel is relevant to this volunteering opportunity?
Reference Details

Please give the name and contact details for two people who are willing to provide a reference on your behalf.

A referee can be a manager, work colleague, friend or university lecturer, as long as they have known you for at least one year. Please note references cannot be accepted from family members / relatives.

If you are having difficulty finding a suitable reference, please contact the Volunteer Centre volunteer@salfordcvs.co.uk and we will help you with this process.

Reference One Details

Reference Two Details
Please give the name and address of another person who is willing to provide a reference on your behalf, and who has known you for at least one year. Please note references cannot be accepted from family members/relatives.
Rehabilitation of offenders act 1974

We only ask applicants to disclose convictions that are not yet spent under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974.

If you are not sure whether your convictions are spent, please contact us for further advice.


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Get In Touch

Salford CVS & Volunteer Centre
Registered address 
The Old Town Hall 
5 Irwell Place 
Salford, M30 0FN

Tel: 0161 787 7795 

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Having been in the sector for over 25 years, one thing I’ve learned is that there is not often a

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Salford CVS is the city-wide infrastructure organisation for the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector; providing specialist information, advice, development support and opportunities for influence and collaboration.