Funded until March 2021, Wellbeing Matters is led by Salford CVS, the support organisation for the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector.
Wellbeing Matters includes a social prescribing approach which links statutory health and care services to the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector.
The aim is to support people to connect to local community assets to support their wellbeing and independence, reducing the need for intervention by health and care services.
Wellbeing Matters is a Social Prescribing approach which helps build capacity in VCSE ecosystem through volunteering and voluntary action in Salford.
Our Social Prescribing approach connecting patients to the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector to support wellbeing. Wellbeing Matters provides social prescribing support through a Community Connector to enable people to access non-medical wellbeing support within their neighbourhood by connecting them into local activity and provision tailored to them.
It is a neighbourhood model, operating across Salford with a Community Connector in each of the five health and care neighbourhoods and a city wide Community Connector. Wellbeing Matters is led by Salford CVS and through Salford Third Sector Consortium 6 VSCE anchor organisations employ a Community Connector (The Big Life Group, START inspiring Minds, Unlimited Potential, Social Adventures, Inspiring Communities Together and Langworthy Cornerstone)
Alongside the social prescribing approach Wellbeing Matters and Salford CVS works to Develop capacity in local communities to support volunteering and voluntary action around the 5 ways to wellbeing with Volunteering Development Workers building the eco-system to socially prescribe into. Community groups may need support from exploring funding opportunities, attracting volunteers, developing and building their group, promotion and becoming constituted. Our Volunteering Development workers support local groups the Community Connectors refer into to ensure the sustainability of the Community. This work includes supporting a citywide campaign to recruit more volunteers in Salford, ensuring good practice is at the heart of all of our activities.