Local band WEAL has just dropped their newest single Sumertime and it’s really making people smile!
It’s reminiscent of school holidays – lazy, endless days of summertime and smiles! However, there is a deeper meaning of hope through the darkest of times.
This new single ‘Summertime’ was written a few years ago by lead drummer Billy Martin. He explained that he has a very deep connection to the song. After tragically losing a close friend to suicide the band felt the urge to finish and release the single which is now number one on a local radio station.
The band from Walkden and Little Hulton has overcome the difficult task of recording and producing a song whilst in lockdown. Normally the recording process would take around two weeks yet with being unable to meet up in person it has taken the band much longer.
‘It’s been really challenging trying to make a record to a high standard in the living room. Especially with my young children at home’ Josh the Lead singer explained. ‘Each band member would record their piece and send it over then it would be sent back- it was an unusual and complex way of working.’
‘Summertime’ felt really relevant because of the COVID-19 lockdown. People have been and some still are unable to go out and everyone is just waiting for ‘summer time’.
‘This song will have a different a meaning for each listener. But for me it reminds me that we all have challenges and that is what connects people.’ Said Billy the Lead drummer. ‘It is vital that people talk though their challenges- as men it can be difficult to open up as society has ingrained a shield around you - not to show emotion. It is important to open up and talk to your friends, however it’s hard when you have just lost your best friend to suicide.’
The band praised charities like Samaritans and Andys Man Club for offering support to people feeling suicidal. They have said it’s great that there are groups and charities there to support people but there are not enough social networks for men to talk openly and honestly.
The band has dedicated this song ‘Summertime’ to their friend who has passed due to suicide and they urge anyone feeling low to reach out, speak to someone – you are not alone!
Listen to the home-grown band's song ‘Summertime’ here.
Support around suicide and bereavement
Visit the Shining a Light on Suicide website for local support in Salford.
Samaritan's website - support groups for people bereaved by suicide.