Third Sector fund data submission

Please select your impact indicators
Only tick those included in the questionnaires we sent you.
Social Isolation fieldset

Reduce social isolation

How lonely / isolated do you feel most days?

(Before engaging with the project)

How lonely / isolated do you feel most days?

(After engaging with the project)

Increased activity within their community fieldset

Increased activity within their community

How many times do you attend groups, social clubs or volunteering?

(Before engaging with the project)

How many times do you attend groups, social clubs or volunteering?

(After engaging with the project)

Increased connection between generations fieldset

Increased connection between generations

In the last month, have you spent any time with somebody from another generation?

(Before engaging with the project)

In the last month, have you spent anytime with somebody from another generation?

(After engaging with the project)

To what extent do you feel you've made a new or stronger connection with somebody from a different generation as a result of attending this group?

(After engaging with the project)

Improved social networks and personal relationships fieldset

Improved social networks and personal relationships

How happy are you with the relationships you have with your friends and family?

(Before engaging with the project)

How happy are you with the relationships you have with your friends and family?

(After engaging with the project)

Do you feel as though you've made new friends since attending this group?

Increased amount of physical activity

Increased amount of physical activity

How many hours per week are you physically active?

by ‘physically active’ we mean walking, cycling, jogging, running, gardening, dancing, yoga etc… 

(Before engaging with the project)

Increased amount of physical activity

How many hours per week are you physically active?

by ‘physically active’ we mean walking, cycling, jogging, running, gardening, dancing, yoga etc… 

(After engaging with the project)

Improved posture and stability in over 65s

Improved posture and stability in over 65s

How would you rate your balance or posture?

(Before engagement with the project)

Have you had any falls in the last 6 months?

(Before engagement with the project)

Improved posture and stability in over 65s

How would you rate your balance or posture?

(After engagement with the project)

Have you had any falls in the last 6 months?

(After engagement with the project)

Increased confidence and self-esteem

Increased confidence and self-esteem

How confident do you feel?

(Before engagement with the project)

When you need to be brave how easy is that for you?

(Use this question instead if you work with under 12s Before engagement with the project )

Increased confidence and self-esteem

How confident do you feel?

(After engagement with the project)

When you need to be brave how easy is that for you?

(Use this question instead if you work with under 12s After engagement with the project )

Increased sense of belonging to their local community or feeling connected to the world around them

Increased sense of belonging to their local community or feeling connected to the world around them

To what extent do you feel a sense of belonging in your neighbourhood?

(Before engagement with the project)

Increased sense of belonging to their local community or feeling connected to the world around them

To what extent do you feel a sense of belonging in your neighbourhood?

(After engagement with the project)

Increased employability

Increased employability


To what extent do you agree that you have the skills, qualifications or experience you require to find work?

(Before engaging with the project)

To what extent do you agree that you have the skills, qualifications or experience you require to find work?

(After engaging with the project)

Have you started work since joining this group?

Improved self-esteem from volunteering

Improved Self-Esteem from volunteering

How would you rank your self-esteem? 

(Before engaging with the project)

How often do you volunteer?

Improved self-esteem from volunteering

How would you rank your self-esteem? 

(After engaging with the project)

How often do you volunteer?

How would you rank your confidence since beginning volunteering?

(Asked after engaging with the project)

Improved ability to manage long term health conditions

Improved ability to manage long term health condition(s)

How well do you feel you manage your long term health conditions?

(Before engaging with the project)

Improved ability to manage long term health conditions

How well do you feel you manage your long term health conditions?

(After engaging with the project)

Have you noticed an improvement in your ability to manage your long term health condition(s) since attending this group?

Taking responsibility for activity in their local community

Taking responsibility for activity in their local community

Since joining this group have you taken responsibility for starting up other local activities?

(After engaging with the project)

Raised personal aspirations

Raised personal aspirations

How hopeful do you feel about your future?

(Before engaging with the group)

Raised personal aspirations

How hopeful do you feel about your future?

(After engaging with the group)

Have your aspirations changed since joining this group?

Ability to progress in life and achieve personal aspirations

Ability to progress in life and achieve personal aspirations

Do you feel able to achieve your life goals?

(Before engaging with the project)

Do you feel positive about the future?

(Before engaging with the project)

Ability to progress in life and achieve personal aspirations

Do you feel able to achieve your life goals?

(After engaging with the project)

Do you feel positive about the future?

(After engaging with the project)

Improved life skills

Improved life skills

Do you feel able to handle challenges presented as part of everyday life?

(Before engaging with the project)

Do you feel able to participate in life?

(Before engaging with the project)

Improved life skills

Do you feel able to handle challenges presented as part of everyday life?

(After engaging with the project)

Do you feel able to participate in life?

(After engaging with the project)

Increased feeling of being valued by others

Increased feeling of being valued by others

Do you feel useful?

(Before engaging with the project)

To what extent do you feel valued by others?

(Before engaging with the project)

Increased feeling of being valued by others

Do you feel useful?

(After engaging with the project)

To what extent do you feel valued by others?

(After engaging with the project)

Improved happiness and feeling of wellbeing

Improved happiness and feeling of wellbeing

How would you rank your wellbeing and happiness?

(Before engaging withthe project)

How happy do you feel on most days?

(Before engaging with the project)

Improved happiness and feeling of wellbeing

How would you rank your wellbeing and happiness?

(After engaging with the project)

How happy do you feel on most days?

(After engaging with the project)