LPoH Impact Fund Assessment 5

► Guidance

How to use the online system

Our new system for grants allows you to view details of the grant applicant and to score it in sections. The first part of the application is for information only and is not scored, please read this information for background on the application.

The rest of the application includes three areas which require scoring:

  • Project description
  • Community resilience
  • 5 Ways to Wellbeing
  • Social Value
  • Who will benefit
  • Budget
  • Match
  • Sustainability

Each area includes the following sections:

  • Guidance (where applicable)
  • Applicant answers
  • Scoring

Click on the section headers to expose the content. Click on them again to hide the information. This should help you to keep your place in the form. You will not be able to edit any of the applicant answers. Please leave your feedback in the comments boxes in the scoring section.


We have provided guidance throughout on what to score and tips on how to provide useful feedback for applicants and the panel.


To score areas please use the drop down box to select a number (Zero - 5) and provide comments in the box provided below. Please include positive comments as well as areas for improvement.


Once you have scored all the questions the form will automatically calculate your total score. Please check this score.

Please indicate whether you recommend awarding the grant. If you answer 'no' or 'maybe' you will be asked to outline your queries regarding the application. Please include any conditions for awarding the funding in this comment box.

Please also provide feedback for the group, including positive aspects of the application and areas for improvement.


To submit your assessment click on the 'preview' button at the bottom of the page. This will provide you with a summary of what you have scored, please double check the information is correct, then click the 'submit' button. 

You can save a partially completed application assessment if you want to return to it to complete at a later date, please make a note of the grant reference ID. This will remain on the 'Grants to be assessed' page. However, you can only save one grant application at any time, if you start a new grant assessment this will overwrite your draft. We advise you to finish the current application, submit and then log out where possible, so you will start with a new application when you log back in.

Once your assessment of an application has been submitted it will not appear within your assessor area. If you wish to amend a submitted assessment please contact the Salford CVS grants team on 0161 787 7795.

► Background information on the application

View the applicants answers
Organisation details
Benefitting area
Benefiting Area(s)

► Project description

View the applicants answers
Which locality plan priority / priorities will your project meet?
Score project description
Please score the applicants answers: Zero - Not answered | 1 - Poor | 2 - Unsatisfactory | 3 - Satisfactory | 4 - Good | 5 - Excellent

► Community resilience

View the applicants answers
Score community resilience
Please score the applicants answers: Zero - Not answered | 1 - Poor | 2 - Unsatisfactory | 3 - Satisfactory | 4 - Good | 5 - Excellent

► 5 Ways to Wellbeing

When scoring this question please consider:

  • Has the applicant explained how they will measure the success of their idea?
  • How will they know it has made a difference to their community?
  • What are the long-term changes and impact of the project?
  • Are the outcomes measurable?
View the applicants answers
Which of the 5 Ways Wellbeing will your project contribute to?
Score for 5 Ways to Wellbeing
Please score the applicants answers: Zero - Not answered | 1 - Poor | 2 - Unsatisfactory | 3 - Satisfactory | 4 - Good | 5 - Excellent

► Social Value

When scoring this question please consider how well the applicant has set clear targets for achieving any Social Value outcomes.

Examples of Social Value outcomes are listed below:

  • Social: e.g. Less isolated, increased confidence, more interactive, have support group/network/ friendships.
  • Economic: e.g. Feel able to get a job, reduce cost to NHS as more active/less isolated.
  • Environmental: e.g. recycling
View the applicants answers
Impact Fund
Your score for Social Value
Please score the applicants answers: Zero - Not answered | 1 - Poor | 2 - Unsatisfactory | 3 - Satisfactory | 4 - Good | 5 - Excellent

► Who will benefit

View the applicants answers
Who will benefit from this grant?
Grant activity
Your score for who will benefit
Please score the applicants answers: Zero - Not answered | 1 - Poor | 2 - Unsatisfactory | 3 - Satisfactory | 4 - Good | 5 - Excellent

► Budget

Please consider the following when scoring the budget:

  • If it is value for money, taking into account the number of beneficiaries it is supporting
  • The breakdown of the costs and how the amount requested has been calculated
  • The description of items required
  • The base rate for items requested based on your knowledge and experience (e.g. tuition costs - £20 per hour)
  • Accuracy of the calculations
General Budget
Score the budget
Please score the applicants answers: Zero - Not answered | 1 - Poor | 2 - Unsatisfactory | 3 - Satisfactory | 4 - Good | 5 - Excellent

► Match Funding

View the applicants answers
Score match funding
Please score the applicants answers: Zero - Not answered | 1 - Poor | 2 - Unsatisfactory | 3 - Satisfactory | 4 - Good | 5 - Excellent

► Sustainability

View the applicants answer
Score for sustainability
Please score the applicants answers: Zero - Not answered | 1 - Poor | 2 - Unsatisfactory | 3 - Satisfactory | 4 - Good | 5 - Excellent

► Your recommendation

LPoH Impact Fund - Assessor results

Please check the total score of your application. This has been automatically calcualted for you. If it doesn't appear to be correct please check your scoring in the previous sections.

Please indicate your recommendation regarding awarding the grant. If further information is required please select 'maybe'. Make sure to include any queries or additional information required in order to make a decision.
