Case Study 4: Colin

colin volunteer photo

Colin became a volunteer after participating on a Tech and Tea course at his local library. The course helps older people acquire new online skills and stay connected. After completing the course himself Colin decided to volunteer to support other older people get online.

Colin attended a Tech and Tea volunteer training workshop which assessed his basic IT and communication skills. The volunteer role involves talking to older people about their wellbeing, so it`s important for volunteers to have good engagement and conversational skills. There was opportunity at the training event to have 1-to-1 conversations with new people of different ages and nationalities which Colin really enjoyed.   

Colin felt the volunteering opportunity came at the right time in terms of improving his own wellbeing as there had been a period of inactivity after health issues had arisen and other volunteering roles had ended (Colin had previously volunteered for Guinness Housing and Salford Royal). Colin understands the value of volunteering as it involves all Five Ways to Wellbeing:

  • Keeps him connected – meeting new people and being part of a team
  • Keeps him active – gets him out of the house and into the community
  • Taking notice – keeps him occupied and experiencing new situations
  • Keeps him learning – continues to learn more new computer skills from other volunteers/staff and has access to other training opportunities
  • Giving – volunteers time to support others

Colin knows that through volunteering he now has greater links to the wider community which is rewarding and creates further connections. This activity has motivated Colin to get involved in other projects which support wellbeing, for example, Colin has become a Wellbeing Champion and promotes awareness of the Five Ways to Wellbeing and the Salford Together My Wellbeing Plan. Colin thinks the My Wellbeing Plan is important for older people as it will hopefully make them think a bit more about doing new activities and learning new skills.  

Colin has also got involved in the Ambition for Ageing programme and is an active member of the AfA Broughton group and the Greater Manchester Older People`s Network.

Colin says about his volunteering experience:

`It`s good for me. An occupied mind is a healthy mind`.

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