Our values
Salford CVS is committed to making a positive difference to the people of Salford via the work that we do and have pledged to deliver our six core Values via the following Commitments.

Our partnerships
Salford CVS works within a wider framework in terms of our membership of NAVCA and NCVO nationally and our membership of, and involvement with, GMCVO and other local infrastructure organisations across Greater Manchester (GM).
In January 2016 Salford CVS, along with the other GM local infrastructure organisations, created a new joint venture called 10GM.

The purpose of 10GM is to bring partners together to:
- Increase the effectiveness of the VCSE sector in tackling/reducing inequality across the communities of Greater Manchester
- Equip people and organisations within the sector to increase and demonstrate their impact on the lives of people who live work and study in Greater Manchester
- Support a strong independent voice for the sector which can shape key areas of policy and decision making
- Enhance communication and collaboration within the sector and with public, private and academic sector partners
- Increase the effectiveness, sustainability and ingenuity of support to the sector in all boroughs
Our projects
Salford CVS plays a key role in a variety of projects and programmes with Salford and Greater Manchester including -
- Wellbeing Matters - includes a social prescribing approach which links statutory health and care services to the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector.
- Answer Cancer - aims to increase cancer screening rates, particularly within communities where take-up is currently low. This initiative is a partnership of four VCSE organisations with over 100 years’ experience of supporting people across Greater Manchester: Salford CVS (on behalf of 10GM, a joint venture between the CVS’s of Greater Manchester); Voluntary Sector North West; BHA for Equality in Health and Social Care; and Unique Improvements social enterprise.
- Age-Friendly Salford - Age-Friendly is delivered in a partnership led by Inspiring Communities Together with Age UK Salford and Salford CVS
- Elevate Salford - VCSE Learning, Skills and Work Programme