JSSNA Survey

Is your organisation based in the neighbourhood in which it delivers the majority of its services?
If YES, please tick the box denoting the Salford neighbourhood in which your organisation is located
Please tick all boxes that relate to the services provided by your organisation
Does your organisation have access to a dedicated physical space from which it is able to deliver its services? (I.e. offices, rooms, recreational centres)
Does your organisation rely on volunteers to deliver its services?
Does your organisation tailor its services specifically for older people, children, young people and families from communities of identity? (e.g. race/ethnic, sexual, gender minority backgrounds)
If YES, please tick all appropriate boxes
How often does your organisation interact with other VCSE groups in the provision of services?
Does your organisation have relationships with private organisations in the local area?
Is your organisation able to demonstrate the value of its activities in the local community?