KoothTalks Professionals
Free mental health training webinars for professionals with insights from our clinical team
Supporting students to manage anxiety with self-care
A 30 minute webinar featuring self-care tips, input from our Kooth clinical team and classroom resources helping you to support your students to manage anxiety.
Book here
The role of Kooth in the care pathway for young people with an eating difficulty
Join our 30 minute webinar on how our digital platform can support eating difficulties, hear from our Kooth clinical team and receive additional resources.
KoothTalks Families
Free webinars helping parents navigate their child's mental health worries
The role of Kooth in the care pathway for young people with an eating difficulty
Inform parents and carers on how our digital platforms can support young people with eating difficulties in this 30 minute webinar.
Qwell Content
Browse through our self-care collection to learn tools on how to cope, and strengthen your wellbeing, and read personal accounts from real people who have lived through tough experiences.
Explore how the cost-of-living crisis might affect different people, and discover the different ways you can support yourself and others, practically and emotionally.