Below is a list featuring some of the local groups and organisations that support women in Salford.
Click on the headings to find more information about the organisations and groups on their website. If you have a support group to add please email imogen.openshaw@salfordcvs.co.uk
Women's Group - The Energise Centre
Wild women rising! Come along to our new women only group facilitated by Greater Manchester Doulas. We want this to be a safe, non-judgemental space for women of any age where we can build self-confidence, and practice self-care and setting healthy boundaries. Held on the first Tuesday of the month, 2pm - 3pm.
Women With Wings
Women With Wings is an organisation primarily aimed at supporting women getting into training, employment and self employment. Our Enterprise Centre provides space where individuals can learn new skills, gain qualifications and start their own business. The centre will help remove barriers and improve lives by increasing confidence and reducing isolation in our members. Language can often be a barrier to engaging with local services, so we are here to support and signpost where necessary. Childcare can also be an obstacle for many, limiting their opportunities to ones that are local but also have to fit around the school run. The Enterprise Centre is based in Little Hulton on a local shopping precinct just off Manchester Road. The centre has private rooms to rent as office space, meetings or training as well as Wi-Fi access and free refreshments.
Newborn Mothers Group - The Energise Centre
This is a women’s group aimed at pregnant women and new mothers hosted by Greater Manchester Doulas. We know that postpartum can sometimes feel lonely or overwhelming, so we invite you to come along and allow yourself to exhale. Held on the first Tuesday of the month, 10:30am - 12pm.
Salford's Women's Aid
Here to help and support women and children who are affected by domestic abuse.
Together Women project
Our centres offer safe, women-only spaces from which key workers and sessional staff provide needs assessment, action-planning, support and case management for women and girls. We work to empower women, providing them with the tools and confidence to lead healthier and happier lives.
Breast Buddies - The Energise Centre
Friendly peer support group. Open to those with a breast cancer diagnosis, those currently in treatment and breast cancer survivors. Held on the last Thursday of the month, 1pm - 2:30pm.
Salford Angels WI
If you’re interested in Salford Angels WI and thinking about coming to a meeting, but you’re thinking ‘Am I too young? Or too old?’ The answer is, No! Salford Angels is a new wave WI with members of all ages. Although fairly new, Salford Angels is part of a long and glorious history of women empowering women, which started in Great Britain in 1915 when The Women’s Institute began.
Queen Bee Coaching
We provide free coaching that enables women from diverse backgrounds to realise their full potential and rise to positions of influence. We believe this will ultimately redress the balance across Greater Manchester and close the gender pay gap.
We are a group that works with migrant BAME women. WE focus on asylum seekers and refugee women, supporting them though the difficult immigration process while they rebuild their lives here. We provide help through activities that promote mental and physical well being.
Salford Women's Umbrella Group (SWUG)
Salford Women's Umbrella Group (SWUG) is for women to work with & for women, and the issues that affect women. Our aim is to connect women with each other, regardless of political, economic and social background, or culture, ethnicity, religion, age, ability or sexual orientation. We recognise that every member has personal assets, skills and talents which bring value to the group and the wider community. In creating a nurturing and non-judgemental environment, we encourage and support the members to flourish, raising awareness of the issues that affect women to promote equality, inclusion, and a positive approach to physical & mental health and wellbeing.
Girls Friendly Society
For almost 150 years, GFS has been working to create a world where all girls and young women can thrive, are free to be themselves and are proud of who they are. Unlike many organisations, we aim to achieve this through early intervention, working with girls to prevent the degradation in confidence and self-esteem that comes with around age 11, rather than reversing it during the teenage years. We primarily work with girls in the most deprived areas of England and Wales, where we know girls’ futures are disproportionately disadvantaged. We support them through services that provide a non-competitive environment that values every girl individually, and allows them to build and consolidate the foundations that will prepare them for life’s challenges.
Greater Manchester Doulas Community Interest Company
We are a small and dedicated team who love what we do and are endlessly passionate about supporting women with honesty and heart.
Barton Belles Ladies Choir
Barton Belles is a Community Choir. The choir was formed in March 2018.
Eccles Cakes WI
The Eccles Cakes WI ladies usually meet on the third Thursday of every month at 7.00 pm.
Rebuilding Lives UK
Rebuilding Lives UK is a registered charity that supports survivors of domestic abuse by repairing damage to homes that has been caused by an abusive perpetrator or partner. This can range from helping to supply paint or furnishings to plastering and brickwork. Whatever has been damaged by violence we will repair with love. Our aim is to provide a safe and welcoming environment for survivors to heal in and begin their journey from surviving to living and thriving.