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Heart of Salford 2025 Organisation Award Categories
Heart of Salford 2025 organisation award categories
Your name
Organisation name
Your relationship to the organisation
Organisation address
Email address
Phone number
Which award are you nominating for?
VCSE Organisation of the year (small)
Organisations with a turnover under £100,000
VCSE Organisation of the year (large)
Organisations with a turnover over £100,000
Please only select one option and fill in the form again for a different category
Please tell us why you feel the organisation you are nominating should receive this award?
Please write around 200 words. Your text will be used in the awards brochure if they are shortlisted.
What difference does the organisation make to its beneficiaries?
Please write around 200 words. Your text will be used in the awards brochure if they are shortlisted.
What is their impact on the city of Salford?
Please write around 200 words. Your text will be used in the awards brochure if they are shortlisted.
Please confirm that you have told the nominee that they are being nominated
Address of nominee for certificate of nomination
Email address of nominee