Health and Wellbeing Fund

The Health and Wellbeing Fund is a new fund for 2024/25. It will be offering grants of up to £1,500 or £5,000 for new and existing projects that benefit the health and wellbeing of people living in Salford, linked to the four priorities in the Salford Locality Plan (Start Well, Live Well, Age Well, Strong and Resilient Communities).

The fund brings together several different grants offered by Salford CVS over recent years. The individual pots of funding that it replaces are:

  • Wellbeing Fund
  • Volunteers’ Expenses Fund
  • Youth Wellbeing Fund
  • Grow Well Fund

The Health and Wellbeing Fund is open to voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) groups and organisations, which are a FULL MEMBER of Salford CVS. There will be three rounds of funding between April 2024 and March 2025, with a maximum of one grant being awarded per organisation, per year. The amount of funding that can be applied for depends on the annual turnover of the applicant organisation:

  • VCSE organisations with a turnover of up to £10,000 are eligible to bid for up to £1,500.
  • VCSE organisations with a turnover of up to £250,000 are eligible to bid for up to £5,000.

Resources - Round 2

Download the Guidance Notes in Word format or PDF format

Download the Application Form (SMALL GRANTS) in Word format 

Download the Application Form (MEDIUM GRANTS) in Word format 

Closing date (round 2): 12.00pm (noon) on Friday 30th August 2024

Please note, if you applied to Round 1 and did not receive a grant, please contact the Grants Team for support before applying again in Round 2.

The Health and Wellbeing Fund is supported by NHS Salford Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) as part of Salford CVS’ Third Sector Fund. It is also supported by the Eric Wright Charitable Trust.