Categories of Work: Faith and/or religion
Who do you work with?: All Client Groups
Organisation description: • The Diocese of Salford was founded in 1850 and we continue to provide comfort, care, education and support to people across our Diocese, which spans Salford and 12 other Local Authority areas across North-West England. We have a Roman Catholic population of circa 263,295 served by our Cathedral and 167 churches, and 80,000 pupils in 208 schools. Our parishes include some of the most deprived neighbourhoods in the UK. We have chaplains in universities, hospitals and prisons, and many dedicated volunteers, all of whom have been particularly busy during the pandemic providing support to those most vulnerable. The Diocese is a member of Citizens UK, Greater Manchester Churches Together, The Living Wage Foundation and a partner in The Volition Programme, supporting levelling up of communities around Cathedrals/City Centres.
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