Beauty in the Community C.I.C
Categories of Work: Advice, support & information services, Children, young people & families, Community development, Community services and/or facilities, Education/training, Employment/work, Health and well-being, Social activities, Voluntary and community sector support, Volunteering, Youth work
Who do you work with?: All Client Groups
Organisation description: Beauty in the Community support local community groups, charities, unemployed, BAME individuals, NHS and care workers, care homes, sex workers, mental health and domestic abuse groups. We run beauty, make-up and skincare workshops. We also offer these as services, to make people feel good and learn the importance of self-care. We put the communities at the heart of everything we do, to shape services for them. We make sure our services are user friendly and accessible to all. The workshops and services promote good mental health and wellbeing. Learning new skills increases confidence and social skills which encourage self-development and career aspirations. Beauty in the Community will remove barriers to learning and create a community network to improve lives. #Beauty #Community #Unity #Opportunity
Supporting other voluntary and community organisations: Charity & Company law and registration, Employing people, Governance (committees and trustees), Networks and partnerships, Organisation development, Volunteering
Contact details
82 The Greenhouse, Salford, M50 2EQ