Answer Cancer is a Voluntary Community & Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector-led response to cancer in Greater Manchester.
As the working name of the Greater Manchester Cancer Screening Engagement Programme, Answer Cancer aims to increase cancer screening rates, particularly within communities where take-up is currently low. It will achieve this by working with Voluntary Community & Social Enterprise sector organisations, including faith groups, residents’ associations and community groups, to raise awareness of screening and possible symptoms and causes of cancer. Answer Cancer will support these organisations through training, information sessions and grants. It will also enhance and develop the Greater Manchester Cancer Champions scheme, a social movement of over 700 people and 60 organisations.
Our engagement programme includes a small grants element to help us harness VCSE organisations’ reach into specific communities. These funds of between £1,000 and £2,000 will support VCSE organisations in Greater Manchester working with communities to increase cancer screening rates amongst under-represented groups. The next round of funding will be announced in December 2019.
This initiative is a partnership of four VCSE organisations with over 100 years’ experience of supporting people across Greater Manchester: Salford CVS (on behalf of 10GM, a joint venture between the CVS’s of Greater Manchester); Voluntary Sector North West; BHA for Equality in Health and Social Care; and Unique Improvements social enterprise.