Achieve Salford and Trafford

In June 2018 a new service framework called Achieve was launched across Bolton, Salford and Trafford to support people recovering from drug and alcohol addiction. This is being delivered by Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust, together with a wider partnership.
Achieve includes a grant scheme to support VCSE organisations deliver local projects. These grants are administered by 10GM, involving Salford CVS (lead partner) and Thrive Trafford.
From April 2023 grant support is only available across Salford and Trafford.

The Achieve Asset Fund is now closed for applications.
Asset Fund Project Directory
Salford CVS has produced a directory featuring all the projects supported through the Asset Fund.
These projects provide a wide range of activities delivered by voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations for Achieve service users and the wider recovery community across Bolton, Salford and Trafford.
The directory can downloaded at the link below:
Personal Recovery Support Fund
The Personal Recovery Support Fund makes available small awards to assist ACHIEVE clients (across Salford and Trafford) to achieve their recovery goals.
Guidance notes for Achieve clients and Keyworker
Applications will only be accepted from GMMH keyworkers and Achieve parter colleagues.